Care free are we ever in the world life we have developed so long?
Dog like all are rushing to and fro everyday to do all things;
Everything is looking green at a distance but all are messy near;
Fear of anything happening untoward occupies mind doing works!
God only knows how all things go on we feel and go in life long;
Handling things with utmost care however careful we are we fall;
Irony of fate we say for that and proceed and go rectifying small mistakes!
Jogging and walking we make ourselves trim fit to face challenges;
Keeping ourselves abreast of all with precaution we have to go in race;
Luck is but late comes to give solace to the one who has failed often!
Many a slip there are between the cup and lip in our day today trip;
Never shall we let go our efforts if we have to achieve our ambition
Over and again we have to check before we make moves to our goals!
Power of the mighty many topple us in our ventures, but we have to stand up
Quitting from the race to win prize for our talents precious to us sure;
Result finally will come favourable to us if we are strong in our resolution!
Sudden changes for good and bad may pose as a great challenge;
Truth will remain as gold however hard it may be burnt by fire for purification;
United efforts and cooperation of the faithful friends will achieve goals!
Victory for the smart and sincere ones is assured at the end of the show;
World will then come to know who are the real and worthy ones sure;
X of someone in the past will become the well known and popular one then!
Yearning of the sincere ones will finally become reality to free all sure;
Zealous efforts of the determined and persistent-ness will bring freedom finally;

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