Culture varies from nation to nation…;
Deep love between them transcends all!
Elite life they lead with love above all;
Fine behaviour is what they love ever!
Good thoughts always keep them high –
High above all norms and rules of society!
Ice cold reception they get everywhere; yet,
Joy and sorrow they take in the same way!
kicked off from the society’s taboos they
Love at any cost to lead their life against all!
Men are bound by religion, culture, conventions
Nothing can change even after their futility….!
Oracles are not now say they are true ever….
People, but, go on believing and following them!
Queries of all kinds are set aside as unholy and
Restrictions they impose as cover to avoid truth!
Science & technology are religion now for civilization;
Truth always supports love as base for all joy…!
Universal brotherhood is best culture for all sure!
Versatile geniuses have appreciated love, brotherhood;
Women, Art and Nature are the testing grounds for truth!
Xanadu is the place of pleasure dome set on green meadow;
Yearnings of all kinds are relieved of there to lover’s delight!
Zeal of living then cannot be shaken by all barriers there!

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