For some this means fun time,
for others a feed.
So the great constellation
of moon, stars and sun
would create an equation
that makes the world run.
says the teacher.
‘It warms our pool’
say envied achievers.
It balances climate
for all the creatures.
And she shines on the dams
that are built by beavers.
‘How much is enough? ‘ asks
the peasant in Finland.
And the German
who travels to Darwin.
The decision is tough,
(should I get my share inland?) .
My white skin is pale
’cause it’s been solarly starving.
I don’t care ’bout these crazy
and dull calculations.
Myself – I am lazy
in sun-siderations.
So, my secret is this,
as I sit here and doodle:
I have not a ray
but the entire caboodle.

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