The older sugar daddy with one in her twenties by his side
Whilst walking hand in hand with her he looks so full of pride.
With a beauty in her early twenties just a third of his age
He does not feel an ageing bloke close to life’s final page
His ageing wife he left for her she was a fading rose
The young beauty seduced him that’s life one must suppose.
She loves his money not him though that he does not know
And whilst he spends big on her tired of him she’ll never grow
And that she only loves his money he does not seem to realize
Some fellows they grow older but they never do grow wise.
It is when a man stops looking at younger women that he is feeling old
When he ignores the beauty that others do behold
Hand in hand the sugar daddy walks down the street with one of twenty three
And he strides out like a younger man and none as proud as he.

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