When he cast a big spell
on his little Fidel
it grew larger than both of his shoes.
She turned on the defogger/demister
when the fellow right next to her kissed her,
said she: Surely you jest
and let go of my breast,
just remember that I am your sister!
In the Birmingham city’s old sewer
worked a smelly old fellow named Brewer.
When equality came
they did hire a dame
and he seized the occasion to screw her.
There was a young lady from Dover,
she grew acres and acres of clover.
Came an Aussie and saw
she was wearing no bra.
Said he: ‘Jillaroo, I am your drover.’
A professor who taught at McGill
ate some witchetty grubs and fell ill.
Said the nurse: ‘My dear man,
I will do what I can ‘,
and she rubbed his small grub for a thrill.

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