Moves reclining on cushion of clouds in the sky!
The rainbow of seven colours
Making magic on the angelic scene
The paradisiacal hero waits for her below!
The heavenly clouds meeting snow clouds
Melt down with thunderous lightning
For the landing of damsel fresh!
The union of lover and damsel
Generate joy of rain
Cascading down the hills!
Beautiful butterflies
Flying over colourful flowers
Try to settle for long!
Humming birds hopping
From flower to flower
Suck honey till satisfied!
Lovers enjoying the beauty
And fragrance of flowers
Fly in the wind over
Valleys and meadows!
Enjoying the freshness
And glory of Nature
After the down pour of rain
They move over fields
And forests of exotic fun!
Enjoying the sweetness of
Fruits of various species
They lay on grass bed
To dream amorous life
Together entangled
In eternal bliss of fun!
Waking from slumber
They fly high in the blue Sky
Till they reach the blue ocean!
There mermaids with garlands
Of pearls and gems invite then
To dive into ocean world of fun!
Diving deep enjoying the beauty
Of colourful fish of various styles
They enter measureless caves
To move in dizziness seeing
The blissful life of mermaids
Hovering over them as angels!
Seeing treasures, gems and pearls
Of invaluable nature strewn
Here and there as nothing
Before their eternal pleasure
They rest on the oyster bed
Specially arranged for their
Endless enjoyment for long there!
Deeply diving into the world
Of tireless pleasure to explore
The blend of paradise and heaven
In one insatiably to the core
They forget themselves of all!
Timeless world of dream
Then wakes them to see
Brilliance of light inviting them
To soar high to sublimity!
Floating high and high
They reach out of ocean
To the vast ocean of blue Sky!
Condensing clouds taking
The damsel to the higher region
Biding goodbye to the lover
Disappear in the world of Nature!
Wishing sweet dreams to the lover
The night Sky strewn with Stars
As the sands of endless seashore
Leave him in peace and satisfaction!

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