Beautiful scenes of Nature brings dreams of paradise into reality sure here!
Morning affairs bloom nicely seeing this colourful smiling beauty each day!
What a pleasure and enthusiasm beauty kindles in the heart to win all ever!
A stretch of green grass land or park lawn with trees full of colourful flowers
Beauty is created by the magic wand of Nature just like the poet weaves
His fabric of colourful and blissful poetry to enjoy unique pleasure to share
Such a treasure of paradise with the best of hearts longing for inspiration!
Inspiring beauty of Nature kindles poet of rare nature to create inspiring
And everlasting poetry for inspiring the dull and sleeping souls to life to
Do all best of creative and inventive works for the well being of all people
Making a mark of their works in the world before they leave for heaven!
A natural thing of beauty brings joy of unique kind forever to do wonderful
Deeds for mankind as a source of love that kindles all hearts towards
Perfection or completion or the whole truth an artist’s picture defines
What beauty is to the world to know and cherish in heart to achieve all!

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