Goes unaddressed.
Especially when you observe them,
Around their acquaintances…
They make attempts to impress.
With a forced unnaturalness.
Should leave you to wonder…
‘Are these the kind of friends,
I have selected as the best ones yet?
Am I that desperate,
To be treated unwanted.
When they are around them like that…
As if they are better than me?
And they are received as ‘thee’ preferred guests? ‘
Have you noticed how ‘your friends’
Elect to use you for laughs?
In moments when disrespect is shown.
And you are left alone…
Feeling like a stranger or a ‘condoned’ pest!
And ‘if’ you do get upset showing attitude…
Do ‘your friends’ and their ‘Graded A’ guests,
Isolate you with your presence to forget?
Leaving you feeling regret.
As you remove yourself to quickly exit…
With a temptation to stop your steps,
To let them all have it!
With some of the best cuss words they wont forget? !
They are not worth that.
Bite your tongue in front of everyone.
And be cordial with respect.
And feeling extremely blessed.
Excuse yourself and leave.
I would.
And pat yourself on the back.
Like you should.
These creeps are not your friends.
They are two faced snakes.
Know it in your heart…
Folks like that can be replaced.
You will recover and discover…
You can get over ‘this’ and them
Without showing the slightest hint of being offended.
It’s hard!
I broke a knuckle on my fist…
Hitting a wall.
For doing something similar like this!
Although in pain…
I was glad I didn’t swing at anyone at all.
Except for that wall after I left.
And you too…
Like I did,
Can and will survive to become appreciated.

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