About poets and poetry they believe they are never wrong
About verse and true poetry and doggerel and song.
No monument to him stands in the Town Square
And his grave stone in the graveyard vandalized beyond repair
By drunken local teenagers who seem to enjoy
The thought of the sacred thing they did destroy.
To the Goddess of poesy in life he was true
The poet he was buried in 1902
Though now not even a grave stone to tell where he lay
The poet is forgotten though his poems live today.
He loved the old Countryside by his Hometown
And he lived to write poetry and not for renown
Mental pictures of Nature in his verses abound
Of where animals live and of where birds nests can be found.
No monument as such for to honour his name
And his grave stone vandalized which does seem quite a shame
For he was a true poet despite what literary critics say
And his verse is still read and recited today.

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