The ‘Clock a Clay’ he referred to a ladybird by another name
The poem lives on as a poetic gem along with the poet’s fame.
Ladybirds are friends of gardeners those who know better say
On aphids harmful to gardens and orchards it is said they do prey
Such handsome beetles in the sunshine lovely to behold
And to have one rest on you a lucky omen I’ve been told.
Though on flying beetles such as ladybirds my knowledge is not great
I just marvel at the beauty that Nature does create
And though to Mother Nature’s kingdom the Seasons come and go
So little about her we even seem to know.
Close to two hundred years ago and that’s going back in time
A red black spotted ladybird upon a stalk inspired John Clare to rhyme
The greatest poet of Nature in the England of his day
And he wrote about the ladybird when he penned ‘Clock a Clay’.

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