Think contrary and believe
Precious live to be thought over and relive
It will never allow you to think
Slight deviation may not force you to sink
Little ups and down in life can alter nothing
If you have truest like something
Nothing must rule over mind
Little creative activity to find
Most lovable part will be kindness at heart
Life to be lived with good start
Bitterness has no place at any stage
We may have to pass through various stages
Try to come out from dark and cage
Think of golden worlds written on page
World may live on indefinitely
All creatures whether good or bad may survive definitely
Why should we think of other side of the hill?
When we are committed to peace and good will
Surrender to thee as foolish child
Leave it to Him even if you go wild
Some way may be opened for you
You will certainly get through
To err is human
But don’t act inhuman
Live exemplary as man or woman
So you can face bravely when summoned
Love the fellow being as his follower
Some of them may holly and can be found in fewer
We may be mistaken them by default
This can be called clear fault
Love may last longer than expected
World and people a large may be acted
It is give and take equation
Strong bond is only answer for good relation
Reap as you sow
Receive back as you throw
All action with equal reaction
Why to speak of all ill actions?
Let love take over hatred
Come forward to be lead
Fine moments may definitely be read
When you are no more and considered as dead

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