Look gorgeous to see from the top of all!
It’s a bird’s eye view so to say indeed to
Have a full view and muse over long…!
Beyond them there are mountains full of
Mist and snow covered to give a holy look!
The whole view is indeed amazing to look
And enjoy aesthetic pleasure as a mystic!
The route going down and the streak of
Stream of water going down are a wonder!
It’s the top of the world with full of air
Pure sans any pollution to breathe ever!
Purity of thoughts and ideas develop with
Inhaling fresh air quite refreshing forever
Surely heart, mind and soul to sublimity
That none will like to leave state of trance!
In that dizzy rapture mystical union of
Mind with Nature indeed is heavenly
To get rid of to mundane world full of
Needs, wants and worries giving woes!
Indeed the higher one climbs all things
That are formidable become a miniature
Vanish into thin air by the spell of Nature
So soothing, solacing and sustaining long!

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