youths, with offerings.
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A SIGHT in camp in the day-break grey and dim,
As slow I walk in the cool fresh air, the path near by the hospitaltent,Three forms I see on stretchers lying, brought out there, untendedlying,Over each the blanket spread, ample brownish woollen blanket,Grey and heavy blanket, folding, covering all.Curious, I halt, and silent stand;Then with light fingers I from the face of the nearest, the…
THROUGH the soft evening air enwrinding all,
In dulcet streams, in flutes’ and cornets’ notes,Electric, pensive, turbulent artificial,(Yet strangely fitting even here, meanings unknown before,Subtler than ever, more harmony, as if born here, related here,Not to the city’s fresco’d rooms, not to the audience of the operahouse,Sounds, echoes, wandering strains, as really here at home,Sonnambula’s innocent love, trios with Norma’s anguish,And thy…
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AH poverties, wincings, and sulky retreats!
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LONG, too long, O land,
prosperity only;But now, ah now, to learn from crises of anguish–advancing,grappling with direst fate, and recoiling not;And now to conceive, and show to the world, what your childrenen-masse really are;(For who except myself has yet conceiv’d what your children en-massereally are?)