Care is much needed to live life against odds to go on till end;
Dance is balancing movements unlike balancing vagaries of life!
Entire life one cannot dance to the tune of all unlike in dance;
Full of interest, enthusiasm and energy one plays a dance performance;
Great artist one is praised, but such a thing is impossible in life;
High risks one has to take due to responsibility that tightens noose!
Ice cold winter life is bitter to bear, but dance is joyful experience,
Joy of southern breeze of summer quite romantic to enjoy unlike in life;
Keeping the dancing spirit how can one live a responsible life ever so?
Life full of dances is not a drama to play, but an art difficult to do!
Much skill is needed to maintain poise in dance all can appreciate, but
None is there to applause, if one does responsible life dance well…;
Openly no one praises one’s life style out of jealously or ill well ever;
Performance of a dance, but, is praised if honourble virtuoso sees it!
Queen of dance gets applause to pass time in art work sans life vagaries;
Responsible house-wife cannot get any such applause in life work as in art;
Shorttime performance of dance one can enjoy ever, but not longtime life;
True artist performs both life dance and drama dance with equal poise…!
Universal applause one will get, if one takes responsibility of life and
Victory in dance performance also, after doing life duty first ever sure
Well satisfying both family members in private and audience in public..;
X and Y, but hungry for wealth, never respects art and life as divine!
Years of careful living by a single flaw fate jeopardizes one’s repute, but
Zeal of achieving ambition to amass wealth, dance artist murders divine art!

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