Class of one is decided by one’s superiority, high mind, good heart;
Definitely it’s not by vegetarianism or holy thread or conditions!
Everything one does reflects one’s thoughts, expressions and deeds;
Full picture of one lies in right understanding, wisdom and love;
Greatness or victory in all races lie in one’s poise and coolness;
Haughty, stubborn, vehement and adamant ways are animal and not human!
Iconic quality of one is due to popular view of one in unanimity;
Joy, satisfaction and peace are aim of everyone’s life got by love;
Keeping oneself abreast of all ideas by intelligence one wins all;
Low mind, insulting behaviour, shamelessness irritate all anywhere!
Most people seeing this worst behaviour of one isolate or avid one;
No one will like to have any truck with self boasting blabbering one;
Openly such snobs are rejected, if they request for any support sure;
Power hungry insulting ones never get the sympathy at difficult time!
Quality of one is decided based on discipline, decency, culture ever;
Respect and honour are shown to one who has those aspects with self-respect;
Sadist of the first kind only behave insulting others to get joy;
Truly great never stoops low to get all benefits as the selfish ones!
Unity in thoughts, words and deeds is the mark of a man of integrity;
Veracity of one doesn’t lie in verbosity but in acts of true talent; World surely recognizes the true and honest efforts, not tricks of one!
X, Y and Z may glitter but never become gold if adamant and brutish;
Years of good one’s life efforts will never be a dark den ultimately;
Zeus of angels in the form of judge will decide in favour of true one!

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