His territorial melodies a small speck in the sky
And higher ever higher he carols as he fly.
‘Tis June in old Duhallow and Summer nears her prime
And for the busy farmers it is grass cutting time
Fodder for their livestock for the Winter months, the Winter cold and gray
They fill their barns and silage pits with baled silage and hay.
High on poplar tree in rushy meadow near where Finnow waters flow
On their nest of sticks they call for food the young of the gray crow
And young blackbirds hop by hedgerow as they struggle for to fly
And their worried parents chirp aloud at every passer by.
Pasture fields are at their greenest looking lush from recent showers
And in the sun shine nectar gathering bees buzz around the wildflowers
And the cows their stomachs full of grass sit and chew their cud at ease
And the day is very pleasant close to 25 degrees.
A June day in Duhallow and the pheasant cuck and crow
And the shy young hare is resting in the rank grass by the hedgerow
And the farmers keeping busy in the weather warm and fine
Gathering fodder for their livestock and making hay whilst the sun shine.

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