In this highway passing through forest
The flight heard the bride’s appeal.
Well jeweled bride looking at outside
Through the flight-car window appealed,
‘Oh dear flight, where are you taking,
Are you taking me up into in-law’s home,
Or taking me up into the home of last day,
How can I live there adjusting more,
With all unknown new family members,
Will they love me and care or hate?
Dropping down her tear in lap of car
Crying in agony and pain of separation,
The bride appealed flight to take back,
To take back her again to parent’s home,
Addressing once more to the flight-car,
She said again with a tender crying voice,
‘Oh flight, do not be cruel any more,
Divert your direction and return back
To my sweet home that recently I have left,
I shall meet my brother, father and mother.’
‘Oh dear highway, the run-way of this car,
You please, twist your direction soon
And move towards my own father’s village,
I do not want to go to mother-in-laws’s home,
You please hear my appeal, oh dear kind road.’
‘Oh dear green forest, trees and mountains,
Oh dear shrubs and grass beside this highway,
How do you tolerate my crying hearing appeal?
You please drink my all tear drops but help me,
You close the road and divert this to my village,
Oh dear Mother Earth, in pain my chest is teared,
How do you tolerate this and remain silent?
Why do not you break into twp pieces feeling my pain? ‘
All heard her appeal and counseled her once more,
Dear bride, you adjust your mind for new destination,
You were a village virgin and we were of yours own,
But now you are a bride, newly wedded lady,
You are now wife of a husband and daughter-in-law
Of your husband’s parents and bride of New Earth,
Oh dear bangles and vermilion wearing bride,
Oh dear sweet goddess-like lady of great chastity,
You settle your mind and have your bridal journey,
Like you, we are also breaking in pain and sad,
But your fortune is taking you up to new home,
From today onward you will get parental love
From your mother-in-law and father-in-law,
Your husband’s parents are your own parents now,
Keeping your head in mother-in-laws’s lap,
You will get the greatest heavenly happiness.
You are going there to nourish their dynasty,
After marriage you are merged in their clan system,
Please you accept the truth of your own fortune’
Bride cried looking at forest, trees and mountains,
They all cried saying goodbye to this bride,
An appeal heard is not kept any more by law,
Taking the crying bride, flight flied very high.
© Kumarmani Mahakul,20 December 2018. All rights reserved.

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