Poetry will ever rise again as phoenix bird from the ashes even after many centuries!
Poetry is the free flying bird in the sky symbolizing freedom of thoughts and ideas;
There cannot be a better medium for anyone to express all ideas under one roof;
For, poetry only can give vent to one’s spontaneous over flow of feeling unknown!
Poetry is the expression of impossible expressed in possible words man can ever;
Many unknown and unknowable matters in known words poetry only can express
Ever to entertain and instruct all at the same time in a form unique to each one sure!
This all time form of literature called poetry says all in a nutshell as in a precis writing
By its suggestiveness all matters that can’t be expressed in many pages of books;
For, poetry can say so many things briefly in less lines and also in between lines too!
Poetry is the only medium that never stops interest both to the poet and the reader
And due to this reason, rhyme or no rhyme, poetry says everything in waves of rhythm!

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