Careful scrutiny revealed so for many.
Deadly designs were not detected;
Europe or world knew his expertise;
Full of crowds abound for any show!
Games nobody played with him ever;
High fliers who challenged were unseen!
Ice cold look and silence were his nature;
Joy of him was never witnessed before;
Keepers of his store were strange looking;
Slight suspects of him were also unseen!
Mystery of his background was unknown;
Not only dignitaries but also new faces
Often were also seen as wax statues!
Perplexed lady was frozen seeing her friend
Quite accurate standing as statue before her!
Restless to find out mystery she explored;
Soon she was isolated in the crowd inside
That increased her pulse and suspense much!
Uniform wax parts were seen being moulded;
Very soon she was caught by heavy hand;
Wax barrel getting hot ready for her immersion
X marked, suddenly her boyfriend noticed!
Yearningly the brute before execution was pushed in;
Zero hour both she and he escaped as owner became statue!

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