Composition of poem suiting both is an art;
Dignity of poet reflects it into a great piece and
Echoing song of poet haunts hearts forever!
Fine art of poetry survives by poets great;
Glory of human life only poetry inspires to all!
High ideas of genius live in simple art ever;
Ingenuity is reflected through trivial stories!
Jubilation of love and beauty enriches art
Keeping hearts of good rest with hope and peace.
Love of art makes life worth living forever;
Master pieces of experts inspire all anytime;
Nothing can shake truth and justice of art!
Opium effect of fantasy in art cures all ills;
Pure bliss of transcendentalism of Nature
Quite unique in sublime poetry uplifts soul
Restoring worn out hearts to live new life
Satisfying just as old wine in a new bottle!
Transporting to a dream world by art
Universal wizard of words does magic!
Very amazing achievement they do ever
With poetry suiting picture and music though
X, Y or Z the subject matter is in the realm
Yesterday, today and tomorrow also as
Zealous mood of genius never dies in art!

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