Catering to the needs of the hungry is the best service of love in action sure!
Danger of poverty and hunger makes many people as living dead in the world;
Every one should be fed with food, clothing and shelter, if we are civilized;
Faces of smile and laughter that we see after our help to poor are God’s face!
God is everywhere and in everyone and the help we do to poor goes to that God true;
High priests and noble persons have this in mind in doing charity works ever;
Iconic heroes of silver screens became great as God due to their service to poor!
Jointly and individually if social service to the poor is done, all will be wealthy;
Keeping the smiles of poor children are the way we all can share real love sure;
Love is giving the best we can to the humankind in some form or other so ever!
Misery may be called as the curse of the world we have to turn it to luxury sure;
No one should cry for food and shelter in the night, if a nation is developed;
Openly seeing sufferings of the poor, should all economists should say of progress!
People are the heroes and heroines of democracy and government is servant to them;
Question mark is the snake that is slowly injecting venom to poor to death ever;
Restoring them to life to live as all better ones is the duty of a ruling doctor!
Serious thoughts and ideas on elimination of poverty are the first task of govt;
That cannot be neglected, if one wants to come to power elected by people ever;
United efforts of people, rulers and administrators can solve problem of poverty!
Various forms of governments are coming to power, but poverty is there forever;
World reels under poverty, violence, wars making miseries of mankind more and more;
X and Y are the neglected people needing to be taken care by progressive governments!
Years of works by democracy seem to be not have realized this evil in human society;
Zeus of politicians should condescend to ground level to set-right the setbacks sure!

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