Controlling desire, passion, anger, lust and all, they pray with devotion there;
Delightful spiritual bliss all get after return from the holy shrine to do jobs!
Every year it has become a habit to visit holy shrines to get the blessings;
Fully devoting all works they do to the divine Lord, they are immersed in duty;
Gain or loss, they never mind and go ahead doing works in the name of the Lord;
Highly satisfied, they pay a visit to the Lord’s Temple to show their gratitude!
I or ego they shed that way, become a free human being and disciple of the Lord;
Joy of heart they really experience without anticipating anything in life so…;
Kind words, gentle action and spiritual musing keep them mingle one with Nature;
Love of divine spirit in Nature grace them all in the form of Lord they worship!
Many a hurdle and chaos they surmount by such a strong devotion and faith ever;
Nothing seems to affect them, when once they have become one with the Lord long;
Oblivion of mind when things go beyond limit, turn bright by divine devotion;
Pure heart of one by devotion strong in divine spirit brings one a perfect peace!
Queries corroding one long with feather strokes sway soothe one’s heart then ever;
Rapture of heart in divine bliss makes one forget all excitements to freeness;
Soaring high to sublimity, a person of no woes so will enjoy real liberation sure;
That is what everyone longs for in life caught in the web of miseries and worries!
Universal spiritual energy carry one’s prayers in quanta energy to apt place…..;
Various persons of divine head then seem to be meeting one to relieve all pains;
Woes of all kinds vanish away into thin air or mist of no consequences by miracle;
X and Y who are not known anywhere, will shine as bright Stars guiding all to peace!
Yearnings of such devotees get fulfilled for their journey to heavenly abode then;
Zeal of spiritual bliss keeps them to go higher and higher till they reach paradise!

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