Controlled by money power in all walks of life democracy functions as powerless entity ever;
Democracy sans proper persons in power and administration cannot bring quality life to society!
Economic development at the cost of social progress is only paper work of national growth sure;
Fighting for one’s right is possible as long as each has strength and manpower in social affairs;
Government with its security forces has power to crush all uprisings controlling media too ever;
Highly politicized in all fields no progress in reality is actually visible ever in the country!
Ineffective education and tax systems never seem to go on right route to raise standard of people;
Just promises of politicians have not changed the situation for the better even after decades;
Killing the interests of people and crushing their progress, a country will be always in anarchy;
Local problems, national and international crises need effective and efficient management sure!
Money control of all matters has made man mad, indifferent and inhuman in all dealing everywhere;
No scientist, intellectual and activist has take the reign of administration to set right set backs
Openly in all world nations as they are ever kept in the second line of government management…;
Power in the hands of wrong persons never solve any social problem but only personal matters ever!
Quarrels among politicians in power and opposition are in the sharing of money looted by them…;
Resolving and restoring social order for the development of nation are never in their agenda at all;
Social change is impossible sans reforms in educational, administrative and security systems ever;
Trade in foreign countries, local businesses only when encouraged by fair means, nation will progress!
United efforts by cooperation and coordination of able men only nation can look ahead to progress;
Various measures taken then and there sans harming society, nation can make steady progress ever;
World community coming together relinquishing warring attitude can create world as a wonderful place!
X and Y unknown nations make great progress now due to their will and unity of men in power there;
Zeus cannot be playing game in men’s affairs unless he is fair and just in all moves in power ever!

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