Some need something to believe in ‘hell’ is for sinners they say
The christians kneel and pray to their God, the Muslims to their Allah pray.
She say too many religions in this world too many for me to name
Though some in some ways look similar still no two are quite the same
But they have one thing in common they all say their own God is right
Alleluia, alleluia we have seen redemptions light.
She tell of her mum the Baptist a devout Baptist she died
And she used to say to Rosa you have turned from God’s side
You don’t go to church on sunday from the church you’ve turned away
And I worry for you Rosa, for your salvation I pray.
Rosa never knew her father never even seen his face
He left her mum for younger woman and they went to live in foreign place
Two months before she was born thirty seven years ago
Where he went to she don’t wonder, she don’t even wish to know.
Rosa May was an ex Baptist but she’s an Atheist now she say
God’s a myth that man created and from such myths I’ve turned away
People for God kill each other war in God’s name waged today
And if for God you want to win a convert you won’t convert Rosa May.

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