Cataracts flowing down from mountains run as rivers to join oceans and seas;
Dawn and dust with wonderful change of colours are ever beautiful watch!
Entire range of flowers and fruits are ever there to please and pacify us;
From dawn to dust the sky canvas is used to draw pictures beautiful by Nature;
Grandeur of Nature all poets write in poems ample, yet, it is not enough;
High mountains and low lands have various contours reflecting demeanours!
Ice land, Green land, Arctic ocean and Antarctic ocean have mysteries inside;
Joy of birds flying in ecstasy is reflected by lovely musical songs ever;
Keeping pace with the changing beauty of Nature is impossible to picture ever;
Lovely and haunting music of wind by making friction with mountains is magic!
Morning to night there are many things one can watch and fetch ideas to write;
Not even a single thing seems to be sans some significant thing to say ever;
Oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, cascades and springs flow as verse murmuring;
Power and beauty of Nature is such that it’s where divine spirit ever resides!
Queen of flowers red rose and queen of bees ever command special respect;
Roses of colours like pink, red, blue and even green fascinate all hearts;
Stars winking all night are diamonds shining brilliantly all night long;
Transcendental meditation mystics love have in Nature so majestic and divine!
Universe with all Stars, galaxies, planets, comets and asteroids is divine
Very grandeur of it due to universal spiritual energy all are suspended ever;
Wonder greatest, grandeur, exquisite and fantasy exotic is Universe so sure!
X, Y and Z galaxies of stars at distant destinations of Universe are awesome;
Yearnings of man to explore full, whole and entire Universe is ever a dream;
Zeal to find means to do that feat never diminishes in the great dream of man!

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