And do it without getting fat,
On wide spreading butts.
All this talk about who ain’t did what!
Ain’t said ‘sssssshhhh…’
You’re in the library! ‘
I’m trying to keep my voice down,
But you all have too much information…
Researched that I’ve found.
And it makes me pissed and angry.
How can you keep calm?
You should be angry too!
And far more alarmed.
All this talk about who ain’t did what!
And who was suppose to do that,
And do it without getting fat,
On wide spreading butts.
All this talk about who ain’t did what!
Ain’t said ‘sssssshhhh…’
You’re in the library! ‘
Is this whisper good enough for you.
See how my teeth grit.
As I move my lips?
See how I make my eyes enlarge?
See how I…
You’re in the library!
And when you are inside here…
I am in charge.
Or get out!
Don’t think of taking those books,
Before you check them.’

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