Your golden hair reached halfway down your back, you wore a snow white dress
And I was spellbound by your beauty you beautiful Goddess.
Alluring Goddess of Poesy you did not call my name
And you did not even look my way though near to where you stood I came
And sat upon the lush grass and gazed up at your lovely face
But to you I was invisible one of a mortal race.
Alluring Goddess of Poesy I heard the moorhen cry
And above the flower decked meadow the carolling lark did fly
And his sweetest notes he carolled as if the bird did know
That a beautiful Goddess stood by where the stream did flow
On it’s way to the river on it’s journey to the sea
I saw you Goddess of Poesy but you did not see me
Of my presence you were not aware the sunshine in your face
And spell bound by your beauty I could feel my pulses race.
Alluring Goddess of Poesy I saw you in a dream
And though it was just a fantasy real to me you did seem
You stood there in the sunshine in your dress as white as snow
And all around you in the warm winds wildflowers nodded to and fro.

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