Careful dealing has to done whoever one is, even if one is foe or pal;
Dragged into quagmire otherwise, one is cornered as in Chess sans moves!
Entire life then goes as making careful moves in Chess game forever;
Fools or foes, no one can be trusted, if we have to finish our tasks;
Good all will be as long as they enjoy feast at our expense anywhere;
However, when time comes for them to treat us, they rationalize all!
In this world of profit motive, the lenient will be the loser ever;
Joining hands with like-minded happens very rare, when we are in soup;
Killing the time in company with such a lot is beyond one’s scope;
Losing interest to be so, it is better to leave them sooner the better!
Mastering the art of gullibility only, one can survive ever in tension;
No one can be believed for a few seconds to trust even for a small thing;
Over night itself what the guys and girls do behind us no one can guess;
Personal care is needed to watch all and deal, when responsibly is on us!
Quite unexpected, seeing our dilemma, some unknown ones help us by surprise;
Restoring all somehow to put an end to a dealing, herculean task is lessened;
Surely, it’s happening by God’s grace via some good hearted people, we believe;
Truth is that when one is in trouble, seeing our good nature, good ones help!
Ultimately it is only by our humanly treatment of all, we are saved sure;
Various men with various natures are beyond our scope to assess all well;
Way of the world only if know well, we can deal well and achieve all well!
X or Y though unknown, we will realize that they are reliable in troubles;
Yearnings of ours we can materialize not with known ones, but unknown ever;
Zeroing our concentration on sincere ones from start to end, we can do all!

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