Carefully knowing Self, wold, Nature and Universe and visualizing all
Directly linking one to society, nation and world to know one’s duty!
Everyone sans having such a whole vision, ambition and duty are dark;
Fully unaware ofall those things clear, one will be in confusion
Going on a meaningless journey of life sans any idea of destination; Highly ever in anxiety and excitement, one will be living in fear ever!
Interestless life will lead one to destitution and despair drowning in
Jittery state seeking ever some tranquilizer to over come depression;
Keeping pace with others in this competitive world will be impossible;
Life will be meaningless pastime needing something to occupy with…!
Money only cannot give all emotional needs of a person, unless one has
Novel ideas to make one’s activities interesting and worthwhile ever;
Obviously, one looks for relief and guidance to set-right one’s state
Purifying one’s demoralized dirty mind with wisdom and confidence…!
Quick introspection and retrospection will give a clear picture of one
Restoring one as to what one has to follow to clear all cobwebs made;
Sunshine will be showing the route now has to follow to reach a good
Target to make one’s life bloom with beautiful flowers to live in joy!
United efforts of heart, mind and soul will make one steady in life;
Various good incidences thereafter will build up one’s confidence…;
Worries and woes caused by anxiety and fear will vanish into thin air!
X or Y or Z unknown will be known as after solving a problem by steps;
Years of wasteful time can then compensated with renewed vigour sure;
Zealous mood instead of depression will make life run on jet speed…!

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