Amazed with the treasure of the past the scholar dreamt
A great dream of meeting the King and acquiring treasure!
Old man advised him not to be greedy but discover treasure
For the well being of mankind and the prosperity of society;
Died he entrusting the mission of his life research to him
And peacefully left the world for the ancient kingdom abode!
Joined with the scholar some research ladies of his subject
And set on a great adventure in the forest mountain areas of
A distant forbidden land from his native village of Pasteria
With all necessary things and preserved food of a long tour!
They crossed forest full of snakes and mountain of water falls;
They encountered many wild animals of all kinds and escaped
By God’s grace big dangers faced by many before their deaths!
Foot prints and left over materials gave them useful clues too!
After forest they came across desert area of mysteries unknown;
Some people who went before were sucked by quicksand often!
In the dream one night to escape from pitfalls a strange figure
Appeared and whose shadow could help them cross the desert!
Shadows of pillars at dawn drew the picture of a dream figure;
Taking the clue of dream they walked fast before shadow vanished!
They halted then and resumed only when the shadow appeared
And wisely crossed the desert and came across ancient debris!
There they had nothing to eat but a camel straying among stones;
Killed they the camel and took full meal after a long journey!
They had strange dizziness and lay asleep long till gained alertness;
But soon strange things happened giving them hope to return!
They saw a whole kingdom come to life with king and soldiers!
To all the queries of the king each one answered scholarly replies
That convinced the king and made them to know treasures hidden
And sent them with due honour to their place glorified with treasure!

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