While delving his poetry,
The poetry of the universe,
The Supreme Being,
Atman, Brahman and Isvara
Feeling the harmony, the unison with
Through perception, intellect, intuition
Leading to the attainment of Ananda
Which is Pure Bliss.
A mahashaya of the pathshala,
An Acharya, a hermit
Of the hermitage,
Gitanjali abounds in mystical poetry
In a new version,
Spiritual poetry
Shown to the disillusioned west
Bewildered in materialism.
Taking other translated books
Into his stride,
Ananda talks of Prakriti and Purusha,
Finite, Infinite,
Mind, Matter and Spirit,
What it Mind,
What is Soul,
What it Atman, Brahman.
Underlying the growth of the poet’s mind,
Poetic faculties and consciousness,
His vision and imagination,
Sense and perception,
Art as he has viewed in
The mirror, frame of time,
The photographs, images of life
As felt through life experiences
Undergone, borne patiently,
A poet who draws from
Vaishnavism, Saivism, Shaktism
Following Classical literature
Symbolizing the Divine Spirit
Tagore is a poet
Of the Universal Being, the Cosmic Self
With the Spark of Light, Light Divine,
The poet of the Universal Mind,
The Universal Heart and Soul.
Under the impact of the Western education
And new learning,
Discerning it all what it ails
Taking lesson from history and its dark days,
Drawing the age-old Bhakti tune
In a very submissive tone
Of self-surrender and humility
He tries to approach the Divine
The Supreme Being, the Cosmic Self
Who is but Jivan-Devata, Life-Giver.

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