When the reaper claims the life from us it will not matter to us at all
When in Nature’s bosom we do lay if none our name recall.
Beyond the ego in the grave you will not find deceit
Where pride and arrogance cannot live nor neither self conceit
Are we any more important than the wildflowers of the Fall
In the vastness of Nature we do seem quite ordinary and small?
James Shirley the great English poet remember what he said
That inequality cannot exist in the grave yards of the dead
It is the fear of death we fear that’s how ‘twould seem to me
But there is nothing wrong with death when it brings equality.
And what is life about at all when it ends at the reaper’s gate
On everything born into life there is a use by date
We live awhile and then no more since none come back to tell
Us of this so called afterlife of heaven or of hell.

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