Millions raised a banner of dissent
Nationalism in ruling circle was felt absent
In thousand of years you find only figure
Comes to our rescue for securing future
“Whenever there is excess of everything
I shall come on earth for delivering something”
Anna, you cam e as an apostle of peace
Life was becoming hell and not at all at ease
Human values were at stake and life unstable
No one was able to hold ground well and able
You had no army or backing of muscle power
Hardly could be seen people and counted as fewer
You emerged from no where and held a key
Nothing could stand on the way not even power or money
Nationalism is such a powerful thing
It can’t be purchased for offer of something
When there is awakening at large scale
Politicians may run from scene with faces turning pale
Youth today sees the divine figure in him
Every single citizen sees a sun beam
The light may spread all over and darkness may disappear
Millions hungry may have hope for smiles to wear
Can you imagine not a dropp of blood?
Revolutions have taken places for shelter and food
This ordinary man has shown bloodless transformation
What a magic for lifting of moral and elevation
Not a single consideration for self but only for nation
Where people can live without fear and burning questions
Salute to you O, noble man from our country men
This is starting of new era with good omen
Sunday,28th of august month in the year 2011
India, along with world, may experience heaven
All high hopes and bright sun rays in life
Still some more battle is to waged and walk on edge of knife

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Millions raised a banner of dissent
Nationalism in ruling circle was felt absent
In thousand of years you find only figure
Comes to our rescue for securing future
“Whenever there is excess of everything
I shall come on earth for delivering something”
Anna, you cam e as an apostle of peace
Life was becoming hell and not at all at ease
Human values were at stake and life unstable
No one was able to hold ground well and able
You had no army or backing of muscle power
Hardly could be seen people and counted as fewer
You emerged from no where and held a key
Nothing could stand on the way not even power or money
Nationalism is such a powerful thing
It can’t be purchased for offer of something
When there is awakening at large scale
Politicians may run from scene with faces turning pale
Youth today sees the divine figure in him
Every single citizen sees a sun beam
The light may spread all over and darkness may disappear
Millions hungry may have hope for smiles to wear
Can you imagine not a dropp of blood?
Revolutions have taken places for shelter and food
This ordinary man has shown bloodless transformation
What a magic for lifting of moral and elevation
Not a single consideration for self but only for nation
Where people can live without fear and burning questions
Salute to you O, noble man from our country men
This is starting of new era with good omen
Sunday,28th of august month in the year 2011
India, along with world, may experience heaven
All high hopes and bright sun rays in life
Still some more battle is to waged and walk on edge of knife

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