Ceaseless activities of enmity create unnecessary problems increasing burden to all;
Danger of violence seems to be endless on all corners of the world day and night!
Enmity based on sharing of resources has triggered balance of power game since long!
Faith in peace, love and friendship for the promotion of confidence building acts needs
Great efforts by all peace loving nations making use of UNO as the best way to solve all
Hard nut like problems to pave way for developments in various fields by cooperation!
In spite of peace talks many disputes remain unsolved for years together still…!
Joint efforts of all nations are needed to the common world problem of terrorism now;
Keeping up.confidence building measures for the promotion of peace shouldn’t be stopped;
Live fostering of friendship by friendly nations connected to vulnerable ones needs priority steps!
Multi-national cooperation and efforts not only in business but in cultural activities
Not only eases tension but also builds up confidence in solving long disputes better;
Options for cooperation and coordination should be open ever to promote free will for
Peace, prosperity and progress towards creating One World for long term benefits for all!
Quizz like insoluble matters too get a chance if cultural activities are quickened;
Results of positive nature will soon bring cheers to all concerned in the course of peace;
Survival, sustenance and success of humanity will surely see bright light soon on the path
That has been taken by all sincere, honest and dedicated peace makers of the world!
Universal brotherhood soon will give the sense of feeling of one world family sure!
Various kinds of differences of race, religion, region, colour, class, culture and all will go off
With the awakening of human goodwill among all when all get shares of each sans fail!
X or Y or Z of some outstanding balances of unsettled matters will be nullified;
Years of efforts in the right direction will turn chaos into beauty as poets do with words;
Zealous mood then will make peace and progress not a dream but a reality sure!

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