It is gift from nature with divine feelings
Anybody would exclaim and start praising
Right from the early breeze to down of the day
It is Almighty’s world seen exclusively from different way
There is so much mystery around all the objects
It is quite natural to arouse interest with subjects
The sweet melody is heard in the morning
It has become almost casual with warning
One has to rise early in order to witness nature
This is right occasion to observe in proper manner
The wind blow slowly with cool breeze
One may feel fresh but will not freeze
The feet may experience dews presence
No noise or pollution and complete peace hence
Slowly darkness escapes from the clutch
The bright ray has to descend with light to switch on
Only red shine in the extreme end of sky
As if the earth is awaiting and feel very shy
The advent of light completely change the scene
Everybody is gearing up and activity is clearly seen
It has brought new message of challenge
Everybody may try to solve it with different range
I have noticed from morning to evening
A complete change from time to time with swing
The mood change on each and every moment
You have golden opportunity to observe the movement
I see the rays coming out from dark clouds
They silently move without making any sound
It is not their finest hour to go around
They may move in isolation and sometimes not even found
I compare it with autumn in life
Life may not be easy but torn with strife
I choose the color and try to depict
The nature is very kind and not that strict
It may sweep away many lives
The old people may depart as dry leaves
The new born may make it sweet with their cry
The atmosphere may be filled with enough of joy
I take less interest in autumn
I long for peace and solomony affirm
I stick to nature law and confirm
Complete allegiance with it and remain infirm
I wait for spring to come with message
A union in offing with very good passage
My brush move with different colors
To form beautiful rainbow indoors
I may not be able to supplement natural spirit
It will deem as if lantern is dimly lit
The sun may blind our eyes to look beyond
The artist may paint it by looking refection in pond

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