My memory unwinds to years fled,
When we grew under our parental roof.
Plodding miles through country lanes,
With the weight of satchel breaking our backs,
We walked together hand in hand,
To the village school, near the parish church.
Our days in school were so much fun.
Laurels and trophies, we had won.
Friends we hoarded to our heart’s content,
Who made our worlds so bright and gay.
Eager to teach you the arts I learnt,
Like an arduous master, gave you drills.
Longed to see you fare on stage,
And sweep the floor with eloquence strong.
Ever and anon, through smiles and giggles,
Through every twist and turn of life,
We were together like a pair of twins,
Prodding each other to move ahead.
I watched you grow and bloom in age,
With pleasing manners and a winning smile.
At times with sibling envy,
I watched you stealing every heart.
You excelled me in looks and skills,
Surpassed me in brain and brawn,
Stole the chunk of parental love,
But never I grudged your edge on me.
We dwelt on many a similar thought,
Cherished umpteen dreams and hopes,
We stayed late on rainy nights,
Sharing hot and spicy tales.
Of passionate friendships formed and forged,
Of infatuations felt and faded,
Of scary moments encountered…
Of daring deeds performed….
Secrets ever eager to confide,
Longings always openly shared,
Together we spun the lace of life,
Together we strove to reach our goals.
It was (is)a bond too deep for words,
Which time or space could never erase.
We chased each other in eager search,
Like hungry cats sniffing for milk.
Igniting sparks of parting pain,
You flew to an alien land.
Each time your voice trails through wireless,
I feel you near – just one breath away.
Now that you are settled in life,
With a man so cherished and three adoring sons,
And so much more you dreamt in life,
Still I wrap you in earnest prayer,
And plead my Lord to keep you safe,
From the storms and gales that sweep your way.

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