From the main land to the Rock of Vivekananda Hall.
The barge left for the Vivekananda Mandapam via
The Rock of 133 feet statue of Thiruvalluvar,
The poet of 1330 couplets of Thrikkural telling
Mankind how human life has to be lived in the world!
The imposing statue of Swami Vivekananda inspires
The soul of every individual to aspire high in life!
“Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached! ”
Are the golden words of Vivekananda for all Indians.
Yes, the up gradation of human soul is the essence of
Indian philosophy incorporated in the Hindu religion
For all to follow not only in India but also in all nations!
With those thoughts they visited the book stall and
Meditated for sometime in the Meditation Hall there.
Darwin says that man has evolved from animal
But Indian sages say that divinity evolves in man.
That acme of man can be achieved by rationality
And strong will as both animal and divine aspects
Are part and parcel of human nature in the world.
Coming out of the Mandapam, walked they to the lobby
To see the three seas embracing the peninsula of India!
Sea and Sky saw they and became speechless and silent
Before the eternal splendour and grandeur of Nature!
In different angles they took photos of
The emerald green Bengal Sea
And the Azure blue Arabian Sea
Mingling with the milky ocean of India!
Unless some earthquake shakes the status of Himalayas
And the geographical features of Nature in India
The depiction of divinities of Indian Classical literature
Can never be destroyed or forgotten by the world men!
Perhaps mythically a dropp of the Milky Way of the Universe
Might have settled down as the snow cap on Himalayas,
The legendary abode of Lord Siva as depicted in Classics
And the trickling down of the holy rivers of Ganges and Indus
Mixing with the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea has finally
Mingled with the milky Ocean of India, the abode of Vishnu!
Hence pilgrims take dip in the Ganges and Kanyakumari Sea!

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