Having internal connective motion,
This sphere of hot plasma is singing,
The verse of first hymn Om,
In a nonstop mood sun is singing,
Earth, the third planet is Mother Sage,
She harbors life with great pleasure,
Through gravity she interacts with others,
With many stars, moons and multiverses,
She talks to trillions of stars and galaxies,
But she is fond of doing conversation
With only sun and with God at each moment,
She perfectly obeys God’s all laws like sun,
And she sings the song of peace is Shanti,
Shanti is a Sanskrit word which means peace,
Both Sun and Earth sing together is, ‘Om Shanti, ‘
With their sweet chant they sing, Om Shanti Om,
Repeatedly they sing and space records it.
Earth rotates and eagerly she moves too,
She revolves around the sun in her orbit
Remaining in her orbit, the path, she calls,
She whispers and talks to Sun facing towards,
She has face in both sides and she smiles ever,
When she holds sunlight the day she beholds
And when she holds the dark shadow of own,
She beholds the night at the same moment,
Her shadow is created out of sunlight
Which falls on one side at each facing,
In another side the shadow is covered,
Sun helps her a lot and both have love bond!
In the deep dark space sun gives her light,
They both talk fearlessly and carry on their mission
Even in the deep darkness of fathomless space,
They swing very happily and sing ever.
Many souls incarnate getting bodies in Earth,
In this living world they perform drama,
Each soul greets another with the same chanting
Which is taught to both sun and moon by God,
They together sing, ‘On Shanti, ‘ and greet us
In deep silence we perceive this in meditation,
Each soul tells, Om Shanti, to other souls
Om shanti means, ‘I am a peaceful Soul.’
Through both these cosmic words this universe sings,
Sun and Earth say, ‘Om Shanti, ‘ to us
And we say On Shanti to them and all
And we declare that we inherit rights or God
And we all are peaceful souls and brothers
Because, we all are children of same God,
Entire cosmic tittle-tattle is based on
Sound of Sun in space that is known as Om,
And sound of Earth in space that is Shanti,
Carefully if we will listen we can hear the tune
Which is very sweet and very peaceful for creatures,
We thank God for eternal cosmic conversation.
God greets addressing us as his sweet children,
He tells us, ‘Sweet children, Om Shanti and
Good morning, you all are peaceful Souls,
So, you spread peace and love across the globe,
Establishing peace you glorify my name.’
© Kumarmani Mahakul,23 March 2019. All rights reserved.