O Ten-handed Goddess, Devi Durga,
Annihilator of the asuric forces,
Demons and devils!
Awake, awake You Goddess, Goddess Durga
Seated on a lion
With the traditional arms into the Ten Hands of Yours,
O Slayer of the demoniac forces,
Awake you,
O Power-giver, Mother-divine,
The Third-eye Power!
Awake, awake You, Bhagabati, the Divine She,
O Goddess,
Chandi, Battle-valour, Shankari, Shiv-Shankara’s consort
As an Incarnation,
Awake You, Goddess Durga,
Take me into the shelter of Yours!
Devi Durga seated on a lion with arms into the hands of hers
To slay Mahishashura appearing mythically
From a buffalo,
Shortish and demoniac to challenge Bhagabati, the Goddess She,
Ranachandi, Battlefield-valour
And the lance piercing into the chest of Mahishashura who with a sword
Into the hands of his
Fighting with Bhagabati,
But She with Saraswati, Lakshmi, Ganesha and Kartika
And they with their things and attendants.
I do not what the myth exactly, what You are,
Only one thing that I know is this that Your are Power, Power Divine,
The Fiery Tongue and the Click of Words,
You are a Yogini in Sound, Figure, Speech, Touch and Fragrance,
You are the Rhetoric of Speech and Invocation,
You are the Intonation of Address.
Your names are many to take to, Your forms many to see,
I do not know, do not know them,
Just can feel about, feel about, Goddess Durga,
I do not know, do not know,
Just can feel about, feel about, Mother.
You Bhagabati like the Mother all around us
And I pray to that Bhagabati,
I pray to that Chandika Devi, Valour Queen,
That Kali embodiment wearing a wreath of the heads of the sinners
But Blissful too,
I bow before, bow before that Goddess
And salute, salute that Goddess.
You are Mood and Temperament Chivalrous, full of Valour and Battle Fatigue,
You are the Befitting Temper of Chivalry,
You are Courage and Confidence,
You are Strength To Fight Against Injustice,
You are Undaunted Bravery,
When war for war, when peace for peace.
A fight with ignorance and brutality will continue, but You give me, give me victory,
Victory over illusion,
You give me face, the knowledge of self-nature,
You give me fame, that is moha-victory and knowledge-attainment fame,
You annihilate the lust within me,
You annihilate the anger within
And my destructive pride.
You give me, give me knowledge as You in the form of Knowledge,
You give me, give me happiness as are at the root of all,
You give, give me contentment as are Contentment Divine,
You pardon me, pardon me if the fault be any unknowingly on my part,
As I myself do not know what You are, what Your Existence,
As I know not the attributes and manifestations of Yours.
I can feel the nights fragrant with Your Coming, the anklets sounding
And the approaching steps telling of Your Mythical arrival,
The Mystical Presumed Coming,
The Assumed Foothold of Yours, Mother Divine,
You are Mother, Mother Divine,
You are an Image, a Myth and a Symbol.
You give me rupa, give me victory, give me both,
You make me knowledgeable and learned, wealthy and famous,
You give me good fate, health and happiness,
Give wealth and happiness,
Think of my welfare and development,
The development of my personality,
Goddess, Your Image and Character Unthinkable,
You the Destroyer of all enemies, vices and sins.
The stage was set,
They all extended help and assistance to You and planned for
Your Coming as for to rid of,
Save from the demons and monsters
And incarnated You as Valour, Chivalry Reflecting,
Through the shining sword, the temper of the mind and speech
And the sprit rising in dedication
As for the eradication of the evils
And You came upon to dispense with,
Feminine Power!
You are the Break of Speech, the Break of Sound,
You are the World Wide,
You are Knowledge Unknowable,
You are Wisdom, Wisdom Divine,
You are Intelligence,
You are Maya,
You are Pardon and Forgiveness,
You are Shadow, Shadow Existent.
I salute, salute that Goddess who is prevalent in all as Vishnumaya,
I salute, salute that Goddess who is prevalent as Consciousness
In all the objects,
I salute, salute that Goddess who is manifest in all the objects
As Kindness and Mercy,
I salute, salute that Goddess who is manifest in all creatures
As Pardon and Forgiveness,
I salute, salute that Goddess who is manifest in all
As Profession and Occupation, Regard and Glamour.
I salute, salute that Goddess who is manifest as Memoir and Reminiscence,
Memory and Remembrance,
I salute, salute that Goddess who is prevalent as Lust and Quest After,
As Power and Peace,
I salute, salute that Goddess who is available as Coyness,
As Peace and Satisfaction,
I pray, pray to that Goddess,
You come, come, Goddess,
Come, come.

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