Stand and hear God’s song soon,
Sun has to come, goes far moon.
Stars are going to do meditation,
They will achieve sure perfection.
Everywhere pure air you do find,
Awake soon! With God you bind.
Kindness is the theme of mother,
Nature is with a new veil further.
She will take in to her lap to grace,
Awake oh soul do run to win race.
Face you do wash with fresh water,
See soon there prays little daughter.
Learn values and earn virtues soon,
In freshness of morning do get boon.
Awake oh dear soul you see again,
Monsoon has come near to do rain.
Pain you do wash of all past actions,
Surrender in God after all reactions.
© Kumarmani Mahakul,6 June 2015. All rights reserved.

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