Johnny one acquainted with Nature from working in his fields every day
Said going by the small paw prints ’tis a vixen I’d say.
Johnny in his forties I was a boy then
Was one I looked up to as a man amongst men
One of those who loved Nature of Nature’s ways he knew
And each day from Nature we learn something new.
The paw prints through the field led us to a hedgerow
And where she went to from there we were not to know
The fox has outfoxed us with a laugh Johnny said
Only of clever foxes stories we have read.
That was a long time ago and from here far away
And in St Mary’s in Millstreet Johnny Hickey now lay
In my boyhood memories a familiar face
Well loved and respected in the old home place.
A cold January day and snow covered the ground
And the paw prints of a vixen in the old field we found
The middle aged man and the nine year old boy
A memory to cherish and till death to enjoy.

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