Unless dreams are fulfilled they never stop.
And so, man lives two lives in this world –
One for his life and one for his dream ever!
To fulfil his dream he pays a heavy price…
Just to get the satisfaction he longs for ever!
It is not just enough you have dream in life,
You should also have a vision based on facts,
Facts based on truth leading to knowledge!
Yes, knowledge is power for man in the world!
With full knowledge if you have a whole vision,
You will know the means to achieve your dream,
Which is worthy of you based on qualification…!
Unless one is qualified your dream is greedy one!
To realize your dream be qualified with knowledge;
Have a vision based on complete knowledge you have;
Afterwards fix an ambition suitable to your nature
And that will pave the way for achieving your goals
Leading to realization of your dream by ideas great!

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