He believes that distance is bridged by love between them by
Modern communication facilities like video conferencing sure!
Later they indulge in video speeches of both by pasting the
Copies on websites they are often communicating with each other;
Even then she is not satisfied by the arrangement as that way
She cannot feel passionate embrace and kiss as in person possible!
Valentine time comes soon to feel about their love affairs long
That are going on without any contact in person for long in life;
This is the main problem that provokes her passion for him more
And more than before and makes her feel very grieved often sure!
She feels as if she is travelling in a long desert of life with
No water to drink to satisfy her thirst of passion with him ever!
But he convinces her that by God’s grace there is some oasis in
The desert to quench her thirst, which is Nature’s gift to all..!

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