Belle is a teacher she has kind heart,
Belly-laugh she dislikes always, she is smart.
Beloved is she, children like her most,
Beautiful story she tells never has boast.
Beneficent advices she gives to children,
“Be honest, love, all are your brethren
Benediction you get by doing noble deeds,
Billions of people will like you have several bids.
Big- hearted you should be don’t be bigot,
Be cool minded always don’t be hot.
Bad-blood you avoid don’t be backward,
Bouquet you get by doing labour hard.
Bemoan you never, past will never come,
Bubble like life is, to God you do hum.
Bust and lost things you can’t get sure,
Bemoan you never, be cheerful and pure.
Burry your anger, violence, greed and grief,
Brush-off bribes and brush-up race brief.”