Since the coming of the colonizers more than two hundred years ago
And Australia’s two biggest cities with times passage grow and grow.
The harbour side city of Sydney the more densely populated of the two
But the message from Melburnians is we are better than you
And of course the Sydney siders on that with them do not agree
Between Melbourne and Sydney a long standing rivalry.
Between Melbourne and Sydney there has always been debate
Of to which of them is wealthier the power of wealth is seen as great
And though in Australia’s two big Cities many live in poverty
Most people do not wish to talk of what they don’t wish to see.
Between Melbourne and Sydney the rivalry won’t die
And it has not lessened any though the years keep ticking by
But of to which of them is better I would not know or even care
Only know they both have their slums of which I’m all too aware.

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