The Mystery of,
Our lives,
Like grains of sand,
Individually, aside,
All understanding,
Answers hide
In the star’s light,
That we see,
But cannot touch
Or understand,
The Whiteness of such,
Universal Love,
Are all elements united
In one cosmic plan,
In some Romantic fan
That our minuscule brains,
Cannot scan?
Are we tied together
By some invisible treasure
That we can feel,
But cannot understand?
Individual Love,
The one that hits the heart
And will not part,
The one that’s like a dart,
By lightening conceived,
The one that hurts the most,
When not achieved.
Can these Loves,
Ever unite in Mystic flight?
In holy chant?
That would give them
The immortality,
they so deeply seek and want?
Beyond Love,
They would embrace,
The secret of all love
And of the human race,
Finally, face to face.

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To describe the indescribable,
Needs very special words,
If I had ever met you,
I would have loved you that way,
With undying passion,
Intensely, as saints pray
Affectionately and tenderly,
In admiration and dismay,
Loving you, deliriously,
In the most emotional way,
That no poetic words,
Could ever begin to say.

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