every day it hit
the wind is bleak, the rains of rain never stop
associations with the Noah era
what if the water keeps rising?
It is not yet winter and we have no monsoon rain habits
but the rains keep coming
because we have winter soon
it’s oh so bleak and cold weather
where does nature go?
the rains never stop
the surface of my house has become muddy
It also rains at night
that was a fact until yesterday
but today the sun has appeared
from early in the morning until midday
what the best weather!
The sun and its rays shine so extremely
it gives its warmth to heal the earth
How blessed I feel
especially TODAY the sun gives its rays full of passion
Do you know what I know about today’s atmosphere?
God blesses me on my DAY of birth
so much sunshine
after so many weeks and weeks of gloomy weather and rains
with so much cold of coldness
and TODAY I celebrate my birthday
with so many blessings and warmth that come from God
the first day with sunshine and sun rays
and that is also my date of birth
God blesses the earth
thank you, dear God
I interpret today
as I have received from you
your greatest blessings
a day full of rays
you have let the sun shine
here in my hometown, how pleasant!
dear Lord, as you know
I always count my blessings
I always write them down
and show them to people
tonight is the first night
that I don’t hear the raindrops falling
weeks and weeks of rain
and only today
the sun’s rays woke me up
ah, my birthday!
thank you, dear God,
I want to say this out loud!
Photograph by Sylvia Frances Chan:
‘BirthDAY-Cake with chosen fresh fruit’
Sylvia Frances Chan
Friday, November 22,2019
Dutch Time
This is a translation of the poem
Verjaardag 22 November….
Sylvia Frances Chan

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