Adishankara has asked this question to all who aspire for God;
Ramanuja has said sans devotion one cannot mingle one with God!
It becomes a necessity for all to know the nature of God first;
God exists everywhere as Universal spiritual energy activating all;
Science says energy can neither be created nor destroyed forever;
Matter is formed out of energy like the rocks and hills everywhere!
That’s why flicker of flame comes by friction of two flint stones;
Also, if a material is burnt, energy via fire escapes to Space…;
Albert Einstein’s equation, energy = matter and vice versa is true;
Like fire in stone, God resides as soul within acting human body..!
God is existing everywhere activating everything everywhere and to
Know this truth, man is created with heart, mind and soul to realize;
Having faith based on this truth can help one to spiritually enjoy the
Almighty’s blessing and bliss to attain total liberation by nirvana!

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