Victims of brutality, abused and shamed
None to be found by ignorant world
Buried in dead silence and early morning cold
Who they might be and what may be their fault?
Might be trapped in between gun fire and caught?
Might be even singled out as informer and gunned down
But surely no heinous crime committed by them of their own
Dictatorial regimes resorted to such tactics for silencing rivals
They are afraid of loosing powers on rival’s arrival
Fierce battle is fought in streets and many are killed
The earth is shaken as coffers are silently filled
There is lawlessness and anarchism
There is no place for human and humanism
No one is there to hear your cry
Where to go and whom to ask why?
We are sitting on volcano
As everybody is adamant with big “no”
Peace is not acceptable to all thought they advocate
Quote fine examples and recite at conferences and relate
Situation is fuelled by proving lethal weapons
They are not bothered about who has lot or won
They are after their lucrative business and strategic hold
World is dangerously divided over how to share spoils in fold
The struggle is not for protection of human rights
It is also not for imposition of peace over fights
It is mad ethnic race and sometimes for national interests
Whole world can do nothing except to suffer and witness unrest
They claim that It as part of diplomacy
To impose the peaceful process with supremacy
Many more lives may be lost in fruitless drive
If humanity is to be given chance to survive
Some of the humanitarian aspects need attention
Must be addressed with firm hand with mention
Many sons of soil lay down their lives for peace
So others may live in peace without fear and at ease