Ever for the survival of mankind in the world?
With Nature only we all get inspired to do all
To discover, philosophize, invent and create all!
Without Nature’s grace survival of the world
No one can think or even dream about perhaps!
Not knowing this how cruelly we all pollute and
Exploit resources for food, raw material and energy!
Without any sense of recycling or conservation of
All natural resources, we consume at a fast rate
In such a way that Earth may become as dry desert
And one among the other planets of our Solar system!
Without taking any efforts in preservation of Nature,
Can we ever dream of one world to live with all as
Our own kith and kin to promote peace and unity
Having many world forums preaching as religions…?
Without religious heart and scientific spirit, can we
Ever deal with this international matter separately or
Just leave for others to deal this matter to solve it as
We all dream about and preach in words full of sound?

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